Students Selected for Youth Trips

Students Selected for Youth Trips

This summer, 12 area students will meet new friends and learn leadership skills on youth trips sponsored by Tri-County Electric Cooperative (TCEC). Please congratulate the following students on the special recognition of their selection as a youth trip delegate.

Energy Camp for 8th Graders

May 31-June 3, Red Rock Canyon, near Hinton, Oklahoma
Kaylee Gutierrez, Yarbrough School
Rorie Hendrich, Turpin School
Scout Rorabaugh, Turpin School
Maddie Wiggin, Yarbrough School
River Winters, Hooker School

Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp for High School Juniors

July 15-21, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Brianna Behrendt, Turnpin School
Shaylynn Hanes, Elkhart School

Rural Electric Youth Tour for High School Juniors

June 17-23, Washington, D.C.
Bailey Boyd, Turpin School
Jaylin Harris, Balko School
Reagan Romero, Turpin School

Leadership Summit for High School Seniors

March 14, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Molly Bellew, Beaver School
Virginia Buller, Turpin School