Report an Outage

photo of a lineman waving - kyle weber"

Before Reporting Your Outage

  1. Check the fuses and circuit breaker panel.
    If any lights or appliances have power, it usually means a fuse has blown or a circuit breaker has tripped.
  2. Check your neighborhood to determine if the electricity is out in your area.
  3. View our outage map to check for known outages in your area.

How to Check Circuit Breakers Video

Report Your Outage

Notify Tri-County Electric Cooperative of your power outage:

Questions We’ll Ask

We’ll ask you a few questions to help determine the location and extent of the trouble:

  • Your name
  • Your telephone number
  • Meter number or pole number
  • Time the power went off
  • If there are downed wires, trees on the line, or similar trouble

Please take the time to see if your neighbors have power, and be sure to note any unusual occurrences, such as:

  • A loud noise when the power went off
  • Nearby lightning or storm damage
  • Construction crews working in the area