Get the Facts – Avoid Shady Solar Scams

Get the facts before signing a solar agreement for your home. Call Tri-County Electric Cooperative (TCEC) at (580) 652-2418 or email Member Service.

Consumers across the nation, including TCEC members, have fallen victim to disreputable rooftop solar vendors. TCEC asks members to contact the cooperative for information about solar power. We can give you the information required to make the best decision for your energy needs.

Some questions to consider when navigating the decision to install solar are:

Do you own your home?
Solar is an investment. If you are a renter, a solar installation may not be possible or the best financial investment. Community solar may be a better option.

How much sun is in my area?
Homes with south-facing exposure and minimal shading offer the best solar potential.

What condition is your roof in?
Is your roof new or less than five years old? If not, a roof replacement may be in order before a rooftop solar installation.

How much solar do I need?
The average home system produces between 4-10 kilowatts per day. Our member service representatives can help determine the optimal system size for you.

How much does solar cost?
The average home system costs between $3,000 and $5,000 per kilowatt, or upwards of $50,000.

What are your goals for solar?
Know why you are considering solar. Is it to save money? Do you want to go off the grid? Or do you simply want to be more green?

Will rooftop solar eliminate my power bill?
In most cases, the answer is no. While TCEC has a distributed generation program, we do not offer net metering.

What is the community solar option?
TCEC offers a program that allows members to subscribe to a community solar array located at our facility and receive a credit on their monthly bill for the energy produced.

Learn more about things to know when considering solar for the home. If you’re talking to a solar vendor and want to know how TCEC’s interconnection agreement works, please email our member service team.